Bobotie a’ la Crystal
Bobotie is South Africa’s national dish and I never tire of it. I have put some of my own little twists to it, but the basic recipe is the traditional one. We had the deevine Rob and another new friend Guel for dinner a couple of days (make that months!) ago and they were a little worried about what to expect, but enjoyed it so much they have asked for the recipe. Thank you for the complement! So here it is!Wild about Weeds, Part 4
(Today’s recipe: Stinging Nettles)
I HATE THEM. Everybody says they only sting at certain times of the year and the sting is not that bad. Well, they haven’t met my vicious Nettles. Mine sting all year. Even the roots sting. I’m not kidding. EVEN THE ROOTS STING.Wild about Weeds, Part 3
(Today’s recipe: Dandelions)
Now where does the word Dandelion come from, I ask you. This is like Red Mullet actually being a Goat Fish. I love discovering the origin of words and/or just enjoying the strangeness of words. Maybe lion comes from the fluffy white head it gets before it goes forth and reproduces itself a thousand times over in my garden.