Custard Cream Cookies / Biscuits (Mom’s recipe)
I’ve recently found all of Mom’s handwritten recipe books in that “safe place” I’d put them 10 years ago and then promptly forgot where that was! Now if I could just do the same with the myriad of other things I have put in safe places… So I’ve decided to share these deeelicious recipe gems with you! Photos will be added as soon as humanly possible.
Makes about 30 biscuits / cookies
250g / 8oz butter
1 cup caster sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence (or 1 pkt vanilla sugar)
2 ¼ cups plain flour
½ cup custard powder
1 ½ tsp baking powder (10g pkt)
1 cup icing sugar sifted
2 tbsp butter, softened
½ tsp vanilla essence (or 1 pkt vanilla sugar)
2 tbsp condensed milk (or evaporated milk, or ordinary milk)
1. Preheat the oven to 180-190C (350-375F).
2. Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the egg and vanilla essence/sugar. Sift the dry ingredients together and fold into the mixture.
3. Break off pieces and roll into small balls. Place on ungreased baking trays and press down with a fork.
4. Bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. When cool, join pairs together with butter icing.
5. BUTTER ICING: Gradually beat half the icing sugar into the softened butter. Add vanilla essence/sugar. Beat in the condensed milk and add the remaining icing sugar.