Perfect Portugal as Per usual!
Been a while crocodile, bit I'm back again and full of the joys of Portugal. My wonderful mother passed away in August of last year and I took a 6 month break from writing. I still miss her every single day, but I'm ready to get back to my beloved blog.
We were going to start a Tiny House project in France this winter, but then it was cold and damp so we just put some more shorts and t-shirts into the van and hit the road again. We met up with my deevine Aunty Wendles and Uncle Peter in Spain for a few drinks, food and laughs and then headed off to "our" Portugal. That was the end of January and we're still here and loving it!!
The weather this year has been amazing. Today is the first overcast day we've had so far. I'm tanned and enjoying this beautiful country and its people. Campervans are getting sent away more regularly this year, but so far we've been left in peace - thank you GNR (the Portuguese police)!
Thank goodness too for digital cameras as every sunset is more beautiful than the one before so I am forced to take yet another hundred sunset photos...I shall spare you all but a few.
Then there's the beautiful sea and shore that too needs to be photographed...
Then there are the lovely people that one meets underway...
And the great food! But those photos will follow along with some recipes at long last.
Hope you're all well and happy. Enjoy life to its fullest as you never know when it's going to end. Love Cxxx