Pork chops baked with chutney

The pork baked to perfection
My mate Jane has asked for recipes using chutney as she keeps getting bottles of the stuff as gifts (sorry about that!) and doesn’t know what to do with it. I’ve come up with loads of recipes as I make soooooo much chutney and (short of giving it to Jane) I had to come up with uses for it. Should you be doing nothing this festive season, you will find me at various Christmas markets around the Gers with piles of Barbie dolls clothes (don’t ask) and yes, you guessed, chutney…

I’ve adapted this recipe off a packet of something or other, but I don’t remember what or where I got it from! The original recipe was with STEAK and I’ve used both and they both worked well, as do LAMB CHOPS. The original recipe has a miniscule amount of gravy and that just doesn’t flow with me. I want it smothered in sauce, not just some pathetic blob on the side. Normally I stand alone in my pool of gravy, but everyone wanted more of this sauce, so don’t skimp on the wine – like you would have anyway!

This is also a very quick meal to throw together before you rush off to do something important like sit in front of the telly while the oven does all the work for you. Just another reason to love this dish.

Pre-baked pork and potatoes

(Serves 4)

4-6 pork chops (see notes above)
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp vegetable oil
8-12 potatoes, thickly sliced
1 onion, sliced

½ - 1 cup (125ml – 250ml) chutney, your choice of flavor
½ - 1 tin (140g) tomato paste / puree
1 tbsp sugar
1 – 2 tbsp mustard
1 cup (250ml) red wine
1 cup (250ml) beef stock


1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. Season the pork chops with the salt and pepper. Grease a large baking dish with the oil and spread the sliced potatoes in the dish. Place the pork chops on top of the potatoes and spread the onion on top of the chops.
2. SAUCE: Mix all the sauce ingredients together and pour over the goodies in the baking dish. Cover with foil and place in the oven for 30minutes. Remove the foil and bake for a further 30 minutes or till done.
3. And that’s it. Serve with a green vegetable or a salad on the side. Enjoy!

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Recipe chutney sauce for pork chops

Sounds great can I make this and freeze it

Can be frozen

Hi there
Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, you can freeze it no problem. Potatoes do sometimes taste a bit bland and watery when frozen, so it would probably be best not to include them, but it won't do you any harm if you do.
Hope you enjoy it.
Kind regards

Crystal- I made this for the

Crystal- I made this for the boys and they loved it. Steve could'nt guess the secret ingredient (chutney) as I've never used it before, but I'm definately going to start. Merry Christmas, Lynn

Love this recipe for chutney.

Love this recipe for chutney. We could eat it like catsup in our house. You have me inspired.

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