Cabbage Salad

Cabbage Salad
This recipe is from our mate Anja ( ) and you can find it in German there too. What makes this salad so special is that the finely chopped cabbage is then pressed to release water and this makes the cabbage softer and more delicious. It soaks up the dressing even better after it’s released its water.

It’s quick and easy to make, but does need a bit of forward planning. Anja doesn’t like to use a kitchen machine to chop it, but I won’t tell her if you do! I prefer to chop by hand as I can’t be bothered to clean the kitchen machine and it only takes a few minutes anyway.

Serves 4
1 small cabbage, very finely sliced (OR ½ a regular sized one)
1 tsp salt
1-2 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp mustard
Pepper to taste
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil

1. Sprinkle the salt over the cabbage and then massage it into the cabbage a bit.
2. Put a plate on top of the sliced cabbage and then put a weight on it and leave for about an hour or preferably more if you have time (2-3hours). You can use some tins or whatever you have at hand to weigh it down.
3. DRESSING: Mix all the ingredients together and pour over the salad. I like to leave it for a good ½ hour to an hour for the flavours to mingle, but you do whatever you feel like!
And you’re good to go.
And that’s it! A really great salad with little effort just a bit of forward planning. Go on, enjoy it!

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Cabbage Salad

Ich liebe Krautsalat. Am besten schmeckt er mir am nächsten Tag.
In Polen bekommt man Weißkraut- und Rotkrautsalat zu vielen Gerichten. Deswegen gehe ich dort so oft wie möglich essen. :)

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