Knysna and my lovely Uncle Terry and Aunty Helen

Knysna taken from the heads
As you may have realised by now, I am blessed with only wonderful family members and my Uncle Terry and Aunty Helen are no exception to this rule. They cooked us a “Sunday” lunch on a Wednesday with only a few hours notice and spend the whole day driving us around showing us the many beautiful sights around Knysna. I am a very lucky girl.

Uncle Terry and Joerg
Knysna is an incredibly beautiful town that attracts many a delighted tourist. The weather is kind and it is very green and just downright lovely. The Knysna Heads protect the bay from the full force of the ocean and it can be incredibly difficult to get into the bay in rough weather. Or even good weather if there is a tide against wind and wave problem.
Metal Man on Heads
They do, however, offer happy visitors such as ourselves wonderful views across the ocean and the bay. We discovered this Metal Man on top of one Head and I think he is amazing! He was just a tad too heavy for my hand luggage…
Deer dear
Another deer
Terry and Helen drove us all over the place and showed us hidden coves and interesting places. In one such place, the deer live in the suburbs with the regular humans! Not caged in, but real wild animals that don’t get bothered by people and come into your front yard. There were also previously-domestic rabbits bouncing about in the wild. I just loved it.
Fire damage across head
Knysna had been badly hit by major forest fires last year and several people lost their lives and many their homes. So sad as many of the fires were lit on purpose by idiots. Our heartfelt sympathy to all who suffered from the fires.
Views from the other head
Knysna has recovered well from the fire and it was hard to imagine the extent of it even just a few months later. Fortunately it rained a bit while we were there – yes, I mean it, I’m always grateful for rain as our planet needs it!! We were lucky again and the sun came out the next day so I could retake all my photos with sunshine!
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Thank you soooooooo very much Terry and Helen for the lovely time we had with you. It was too short, but at least we got to see you and spend some time together. Stay as wonderful as you are!

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