Llllamb - Lovely Laura's Lovely Lamb

Lamb Crown Roast
Today’s recipe: Herbed Crown Roast of Lamb served with redcurrant and mint sauce and mustard mayonnaise
As we drove up the 1km of beautiful field and tree lined driveway, I wondered what awaited us. We crossed the little bridge over their ponds and entered into the world of perfection. “Well”, I said to my hubby and to the hostess later on, “we can't have them back to our hovel now. It's a chateau!”

Laura and Patrick are a deevine couple we met a while back, but this was the first time we’d been to their house for a (deevine) meal. Patrick is a great story teller and you spend most of your time with him in hysterics. Laura is super bright, charming and a great cook to boot. Unfortunately, someone is pulling some sort of face or standing in a less than flattering way, so there are no pics this time, just this one of their beautiful home. We’ll just have to go back again for more photos!

Their lovely home

Laura very kindly and efficiently sent me the recipes for the entire meal within the week. Gulp. I don’t even manage to say thank you within that time. So with no thanks to myself, here is Laura’s Herbed crown roast of lamb served with redcurrant and mint sauce and mustard mayonnaise. (PS: The veggies and gratin recipes will be following asap.)

Lamb Crown Roast


16 bone crown roast of lamb
25ml olive oil
5 thyme sprigs
20g parsley
2 large garlic cloves crushed
1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard

Preheat the oven to 180oC (fan).
Put the lamb on a baking sheet.
Chop all the herbs finely and mix with the garlic, mustard and oil and plenty of salt and pepper.
Rub the herb mixture over the lamb then roast for about 40 minutes (this will give you lamb slightly pink).
Take the tray from the oven, cover the lamb with foil and leave to rest for 20 minutes.
Cut into 16 cutlets and serve.

1 tablespoon of redcurrant jelly
1 tablespoon of mint sauce
cup of red wine vinegar

Whisk all ingredients together and place in serving jug.

8 tablespoons of mayonnaise
1 lemon – zest and juice
½ tablespoon wholegrain mustard
1 tablespoon chopped chives

Whisk all ingredients together and place in a serving bowl.

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