The (other) Life of Brian

“So Brian, what do you wear under your kilt?” is a question he has heard often. “My sandals, of course” is his standard reply.

One does tend to meet interesting characters on one travels and Brian is no exception to this rule. He is fun and charming and a real romantic. He told us that he intends to propose to his new love next New Year’s Eve in Sydney while watching the fireworks. Aah, that is soooo sweet. “So should we”, seems a little less romantic when you hear that.

This photo may not seem so special, but it was taken on the 16th of January 2017 on a beach in Portugal. Penny still not dropped? It’s the middle of winter here, children, and while the rest of Europe was under several meters of snow, we were sunning ourselves on the Algarves. I know, I should be ashamed of myself for gloating, but I’m not!

I shall continue to introduce you to the people we meet as well as post some recipes.

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