Spiced Chicken Terrines

Spiced Chicken Terrine
I forgot the starter! I was so excited about the Herbed Crown Roast of Lamb that I forgot to tell you about the starter. We are now into Day 4 of Laura Praise. My other friends are going to start getting annoyed at all the attention she’s getting. My mate Em is also a great cook and I have tons of dishes of hers yet to post – we’re having dinner at theirs on Saturday so I’ll be sure to get more material to post sooooon. But back to LLL Starter.


1 cooked chicken
1 pot of Greek yoghurt
The same amount of mayonnaise
1 teaspoon of cumin powder
1 teaspoon of coriander powder
1 teaspoon of turmeric
½ teaspoon of chilli powder
salt and pepper
Any leftover chopped vegetables, such as green beans, carrots, peas

Remove all the meat from the chicken and chop into bite size pieces.
Mix all the other ingredients and taste. Add more spices as necessary.
Press 2 large spoonfuls into a round mould and push through, placing the little round on a baking tray. Repeat until you have 8. Cover the tray and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Serve with a salad garnish.

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Spiced Chicken Terrines | A Cook on the Funny Side

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Spiced Chicken Terrines | A Cook on the Funny Side

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